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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Europeanize \Eu`ro*pe"an*ize\, v. t. To cause to become like the Europeans in manners or character; to habituate or accustom to European usages.

A state of society . . . changed and Europeanized.

Usage examples of "europeanize".

That war, and its long-drawn sequelae, released the human mind to the potentialities and dangers of an imperfectly Europeanized world--a world which had unconsciously become one single interlocking system, while still obsessed by the Treaty of Westphalia and the idea of competing sovereign states.

They were advocating a mutual guarantee of all the Europeanized regions of the Pacific.

The native of a small country who knows no other language than the tongue of his country becomes increasingly at a disadvantage in comparison with the user of any of the three great languages of the Europeanized world.

Rajah Dris lives in a good house, but it is Europeanized, and consequently vulgarized.

A few minutes later he pours out a little, which he tastes himself, frequently returning the remainder to the pot, although the more Europeanized consume the whole draught.