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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Ethiopian \E`thi*o"pi*an\, Ethiopic \E`thi*op"ic\, a. Of or relating to Ethiopia or the Ethiopians.


Ethiopic \E`thi*op"ic\, n. The language of ancient Ethiopia; the language of the ancient Abyssinian empire (in Ethiopia), now used only in the Abyssinian church. It is of Semitic origin, and is also called Geez.

Ethiopic (Unicode block)

Ethiopic is a Unicode block containing characters for writing the Ge'ez, Tigrinya, Amharic, Tigre, and Oromo languages.

Usage examples of "ethiopic".

One of the Semitic languages, it is related to Aramaic, Phoenician, Syriac, Hebrew, various Ethiopic languages, and the Akkadian of ancient Babylonia and Assyria.

Even nestled in the silk of its Ethiopic wrappings, the holy relic set the air ashimmer with unseen ripples of power.