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n. (archaic spelling of enterprise English)

Usage examples of "enterprize".

In those days, just previous to the discovery of America by Columbus, while that illustrious man was offering his unesteemed services at Lisbon, the Portuguese were full of the spirit of enterprize and maritime adventure.

Whatever desperate enterprize kindled the young Spaniards to heroic frenzy, found the English pair among their numbers.

Should he find a band of nobles and their followers ready to assist him, or the motley population of a barbarous wild, whose sole ideas were internal struggles for power, whose watch-words for enterprize were names and things in which he had no portion?

I count upon your well-known character, Your enterprize, your vigour, to do this.

Contests between the smaller states were then, for the most part, affairs of enterprize alone, and the probabilities of success were estimated, not from the skill, but from the personal courage of the general, and the soldiers.

Yet though he extended his enquiries with perseverance and solicitude, they were ineffectual, and he was finally compelled to relinquish an enterprize that was attended with so little success.

This he considered was no unfavourable circumstance, as Enrico and himself might easily gain admission into their order, should their enterprize not be conducted with the facility they desired: whilst Laurette might remain resident in the convent till Madame Chamont had obtained permission to leave it, and could do it without a breach of propriety.

Scoto distinguished itself, and among his troop Castruccio was pre--eminent in bravery, enterprize and success.

God and the Virgin, to name such a one as will bring your enterprize to an happy issue.

Europe has been very much greater than in former times, the consequence of which is that a change is creeping over the place, from the energy and enterprize of the new comers.

The redoubtable Frau Mittelhausen was complaining bitterly about dealing with a few young apprentices at HDG Enterprizes back in Jena.

I am Phillip Theophrastus Gribbleflotz, an alchemist at HDG Enterprizes in Jena, and I would like to invite you to join me in sampling the delicacies my hotel prepared.

There was one from the management of HDG Enterprizes and one from Hardegg, Selfisch and Krapp.

But it may be added, that should our own citizens, more enterprizing than wise, become desirous of settling this country, and emigrate thither, it must not only be attended with all the injuries of a too widely dispersed population, but, by adding to the great weight of the western part of our territory, must hasten the dismemberment of a large portion of our country, or a dissolution of the government.

Her passion for her new acquirement afforded scope for his enterprizing disposition.