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The École nationale supérieure d'électronique, d'électrotechnique, d'informatique, d'hydraulique et des télécommunications (ENSEEIHT) is a French engineering school ( Grande École) in Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Computer Science, Hydraulics and Telecommunications.

The INP-ENSEEIHT is a top ranking French public engineering school, under the trust of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research and in an agreement with the prestigious Ecole polytechnique. INP-ENSEEIHT is one of the seven components of the Institut national polytechnique de Toulouse.

The standard curriculum is a three-year program resulting in the French Diplôme d'Ingénieur, considered by European universities ( Bologna declaration) as a Master's degree of the European Higher Education Area. The ENSEEIHT is part of Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (INP Toulouse) which is itself part of the University of Toulouse. The school is also an associated school of the Institut Mines-Télécom.