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Crossword clues for emmenthal

The Collaborative International Dictionary

Emmental \Emmental\, Emmentaler \Emmentaler\, Emmenthal \Emmenthal\, Emmenthaler \Emmenthaler\n. a type of large-holed Swiss cheese.

Syn: Emmenthal, Emmental, Emmenthaler.


Emmenthal may refer to:

  • Emmental, the valley of the Emme River in Switzerland
  • Emmental (cheese), which was originally produced in the Emmental

Usage examples of "emmenthal".

She was very slowly working her way through a red apple with a piece of Swiss Emmenthal and a slice of black rye bread.

A large trade is carried on at Burgdorf in the cheese of the Emmenthal, while among the industrial establishments are railway works, and factories of cloth, white lead and tinfoil.