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egg yolk
egg yolk

n. The yellow central part of a chicken’s (or other bird’s) egg.

egg yolk

n. the yellow spherical part of an egg that is surrounded by the albumen

Usage examples of "egg yolk".

The egg yolk is blue-green outside, and you're thinking of a story you will never write, about a scientist who takes his vat-grown superchildren to another world, an empty blue-green world where they grow up wise and strong, but so godlike in intelligence that they can no longer be bothered talking to their creator.

Thus, in the wild, a baby alligator began its life entirely on its own, and for that reason its belly was stuffed with egg yolk for nourishment in its early days.

This ship rode low in the water, for it was built in the unmistakable shape of a pie dish and, as it neared shore, it could be seen that the deck itself was made of piecrust just out of the oven, glistening with butter, gilded with egg yolk.

Harry wondered as he mopped up some egg yolk with a piece of toast, eating slowly and with a touching precision necessitated by his having only one useful hand.

She licked at a running egg yolk between her fingers as she mopped at the plate with a last bite of toast in her other hand.

Horton said as he mopped up a final puddle of egg yolk with his last wedge of toast.

He had once mixed the egg yolk and the pigment just as I mixed them.