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eat humble pie

vb. (context idiomatic intransitive English) to admit one's faults; to make a humiliating apology

Usage examples of "eat humble pie".

And in the meantime we must eat humble pie and ask the Master to reconsider his resignation in the light of our acceptance of the changes he has proposed?

Adrados would be seen to be avenged, the hostages had been rescued, the women captured on the Day of the Miracle had been saved, the priests who had preached Britain's calumny from their pulpits would have to eat humble pie.

Given visual evidence, they would have to believe their own eyes and tests, eat humble pie over their past gullibility, and confirm the truth.

I did not want to eat humble pie and admit that he had been right.

Hes been expecting his son to come running and eat humble pie before this, to try and get his inheritance back, and hes been disappointed, and that sours him.