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n. (plural of earthquake English)

Usage examples of "earthquakes".

But afterward there occurred violent earthquakes and floods, and in a single day and night of rain all your warlike men in a body sunk into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared, and was sunk beneath the sea.

We now possess the record of numerous islands lifted above the waters, and others sunk beneath the waves, accompanied by storms and earthquakes similar to those which marked the destruction of Atlantis.

There was rain, it is true, but there was also thunder, lightning, earthquakes, wind, a water-spout, and a devastation of mountain and land by the war of the elements.

Plutonists, who noted that volcanoes and earthquakes, among other enlivening agents, continually changed the face of the planet but clearly owed nothing to wayward seas.

As you will gather from this, measuring earthquakes is not always an exact science, particularly when interpreting readings from remote locations.

The thinking was that if they could understand the nature of the rocks inside the Earth, they might begin to understand how they interacted, and thus possibly be able to predict earthquakes and other unwelcome events.

Probably you would have swarms of earthquakes and some surface uplift and possibly some changes in the patterns of behavior of the geysers and steam vents, but nobody really knows.

Most of them are too small to be felt, but they are earthquakes nonetheless.

What with sea floor spreading and giant earthquakes and such, the continent broke apart to form what we have today.

More people were killed by fire in earthquakes than for any other reason.

She was delirious most of the time from hunger and pain and dreamed terrifying nightmares of earthquakes, and sharp claws, and lonely aching fear.

She kept waking and remembering eerie, frightening dreams of hideous evil spirits and earthquakes, and lynxes that attacked and turned into cave lions, and snow, endless snow.

By the time Melissa left, Alethia was sleeping with the baby by her side, safe in a world in which earthquakes were minor matters.

Even though they now know we are causing the earthquakes, and have no idea it is for their own good, the Aventine government will think twice before attacking if they believe we have the power to raise the dead.

If they can turn a Master Reader against his homeland, to help destroy it with earthquakes, what hope is there for you or me?