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ear canal

n. (context anatomy English) The tube or meatus running from the outer ear to the eardrum through which sound enters.

ear canal

n. either of the passages in the outer ear from the auricle to the tympanic membrane [syn: auditory meatus, acoustic meatus, auditory canal, external auditory canal]

Ear canal

The ear canal (external acoustic meatus, external auditory meatus, EAM) , is a tube running from the outer ear to the middle ear. The adult human ear canal extends from the pinna to the eardrum and is about in length and in diameter.

Usage examples of "ear canal".

A similar audio system threaded out of the wall of the suit and into the ear canal for hearing while air was pumped to the opening around the mouth.

Then the voices began in his left ear and he lifted one hand, touching a forefinger to the side of his head to settle more comfortably the electronic receiver in his ear canal.

As he grew closer, the dark patch resolved itself into an ear canal, one of those auxiliary tubes often found radiating from mountain caves.

Upon lying down, I became overwhelmed by what felt like deep reverberations, as if I had climbed into the ear canal of a giant.

The corkscrew device protruded from my ear canal and I could make out the faint reverberations of dripping as blood rolled into the cup.

A whir of electrical force spun around my head as if I were being fed electrodes via the ear canal.

Somewhat as in a fall into deep water, where the hydraulic compression of air perforates the tympanic membrane as water is forced into the external ear canal.

He felt something trickle back down his ear canal, then tickle his ear again.

She pressed a digital thermometer to Drud's ear canal, then read the display.