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E.Kothapalli is a village & panchayat in Pulivendula mandal, Kadapa district, in the state of Andhra Pradesh in India.

Mandal Name : Pulivendla District : Cuddapah State : Andhra Pradesh Region : Rayalaseema Language : Telugu and Urdu Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30) Elevation / Altitude: 398 meters. Above Seal level Telephone Code / Std Code: 08568

This is an old village, it has existed since the 18th century and initially it was more famous for farming citrus, lemon, onions, groundnuts, rice and flowers. Nowadays most of the farmers are not showing interest to farm these because there is no market for these. This village has all types of farms (Nalla Regadi, Erra Nelalu, garugu, Thuvva [Isuka Nelalu]) and here people have the capacity to farm all types food grains or commercial farms. But because of highest labor charges and lack of labor people stopped farming of all types.

If any big company or if the government provide the good market facility, it helps farmers as well as the government.

But it is bad, no one shows interest to purchase the bananas from farmers directly instead of going through the mediators.

This village every year exports lakhs of tons of bananas to the Dehli, Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad. But the actual farmers getting the money in the farm of thousands, the farmers not getting any profits and they are running losses. But the mediators earn.

This is a bad experience for the farmers. Really if any big company is looking to export the bananas to Delhi they are always welcome. If people pay the market rate to the farmers, it helps the farmers.

This village's people or farmers celebrate the all types of Indian festivals among these one festival is more famous – that is Moharam. Actually, this is the Muslim's festival, but in this village Muslims are less than 10 percent and the festival is celebrated by the Hindus. Every year lakhs of people were attending the festival and making success.

Near to this village lots of famous temples available Ramulavari Temple,Gangamma Temples, Gundalayya, Kona Mallikarguna and so on.

If you would like to reach this village from Pulivendual you will get lots of autos and from Pulivendula it is available in the distance of 6 km.

Nearest railway stations are Muddanuru, Yerraguntla and Kadapa. From here you need to take a bus to Pulivendula and then auto from pulivendual to EKP.

The nearest airports are Kadapa, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Tirupati/Renigunta.