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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ New events, new information or simply an irrational wave of national dyspepsia can change public mood toward its leaders overnight.
▪ Patients were excluded from further examination after their dyspepsia clinic visit if they had severe concurrent cardiovascular or respiratory disease.
▪ Similarly our study found a strong association between dyspepsia and colonisation by Helicobacter pylori in patients taking NSAIDs.
▪ There were no signficant differences between the surface and underground workers for attendance at the dyspepsia clinic or the endoscopy unit.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dyspepsia \Dys*pep"si*a\, Dyspepsy \Dys*pep"sy\ (?; 277), [L. dyspepsia, Gr. ?, fr. ? hard to digest; dys- ill, hard + ? to cook, digest; akin to E. cook: cf. F. dyspepsie. See Dys-, and 3d Cook.] (Med.) A kind of indigestion; a state of the stomach in which its functions are disturbed, without the presence of other diseases, or, if others are present, they are of minor importance. Its symptoms are loss of appetite, nausea, heartburn, acrid or fetid eructations, a sense of weight or fullness in the stomach, etc.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1706, from Late Latin dyspepsia or a back-formation from dyspeptic (q.v.). Its opposite is eupepsia.


n. (context pathology English) A generic term for mild disorders of digestion, characterised by stomach pain, discomfort, heartburn and nausea, often following a meal.


n. a disorder of digestive function characterized by discomfort or heartburn or nausea [syn: indigestion, stomach upset, upset stomach]

Usage examples of "dyspepsia".

Hence, the palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia or acute attacks of indigestion, with colicky pains and heaviness after meals, with eructations or belchings of gas, or local discomfort and unnatural action affecting, at different times, almost every organ of the body.

I was also cured of a very bad cough which I had been troubled with for many years, and of dyspepsia of long standing.

Then it appeared that the cook would not believe in them, and he did not send them, till they were quite faint, the peppery and muddy draught which impudently affected to be coffee, the oily slices of fugacious potatoes slipping about in their shallow dish and skillfully evading pursuit, the pieces of beef that simulated steak, the hot, greasy biscuit, steaming evilly up into the face when opened, and then soddening into masses of condensed dyspepsia.

Many a wiser man than I had been mystified by dyspepsia and melancholic vapours.

The subjects of dyspepsia frequently imagine that they require medicines to act upon the liver, desire active treatment, are endlessly experimenting in diet, daily rehearse their symptoms, and are morbidly sensitive.

It is a matter of surprise that physicians generally pay so little attention to the urine when dyspepsia is suspected, since all admit that an examination of that excretion furnishes unmistakable evidence of the nature and complications of the disease.

No one can read understandingly the life of Cowper and that of Carlyle without having some idea of the influence of hypochondriasis and of dyspepsia upon the disposition and intellect of the subjects of these maladies.

This is also tonic and anthelmintic, and is valuable in debility, dyspepsia, jaundice, and hepatic affections.

Then, and only then, did she return to the mail, though her hands were trembling so badly she was butterfingered for the next hour, and her mood so much sweetened, she even found a few minutes for Audrey Laidlaw to be given something for her dyspepsia.

Then dyspepsia struck, he took his black drops, released a savoury gale from as far down as the very caecum, and was ready for work, his own work, not the pseudo-work he would have to do in the afternoon with pseudo-students.

The symptoms were prostration, sleeplessness, exhaustion, over-fatigue from mental trouble, overstudy and anxiety, indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation, headache, inability to concentrate the mind, general lassitude, melancholia, backache and pains from the top of my head to the sole of my feet.

Longarm led them both back to the road afoot, intending to rest them both as the three of them strode along in the moonlight, with him mulling over all the plagues and dyspepsias horseflesh was heir to.

Dyspepsia would not weaken their poignant outcries, or self-interest check their fainting fits.

Algardi, who had saved my life, prophesied a dyspepsia which would bring me to the tomb, but my need of food was stronger than his arguments, to which I paid no kind of attention.

Henry, is to go and get yourself a frosted chocolate and when you sit at the soda fountain keep your eyes peeled and forget about the destiny of man because you might still find yourself a nice lay and a good dean lay will dean your ballbearing out and leave a good taste in your mouth whereas this only brings on dyspepsia, dandruff, halitosis, encephalitis.