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Dusty Blue

Dusty Blue is an album by trumpeter Howard McGhee which was recorded in 1960 and released on the Bethlehem label.

Usage examples of "dusty blue".

Against the wall opposite the throne sat the half-blood Napan, Korbolo Dom, shaved hairless, his dusty blue skin latticed in scars.

The man in boots and dusty blue carried the silver horn and white baton of a King's Herald.

Then the Tulsi Store became a place of deep romance and endless delights, transformed from the austere emporium it was on other days, dark and silent, its shelves crammed with bolts of cloth that gave off acrid and sometimes unpleasant smells, its tables jumbled with cheap scissors and knives and spoons, towers of dusty blue-rimmed enamel plates interleaved with ragged grey paper, and boxes of hairpins, needles, pins and thread.

Clad in dusty blue uniforms, the men rode nearly identical tall bays.

The man in boots and dusty blue carried the silver horn and white baton of a King’.

That, at least, was what Jack Sawyer was imagining as a dusty blue Ford Fairlane swerved off to the shoulder of the road and waited for him to run up to it, squinting into the lowering sun.

Srat pointed to a dusty blue facade rising behind the other buildings like a distant cliff-face.

I passed a corpse wearing the dusty blue uniform of a custodian or maintenance man precariously perched on a straight-backed wooden chair halfway along the footbridge and I had to skirt around the covered boxes it seemed to be watching over.

The sharp report of the gun takes him back instantly to the war: the impossible, mad hours as he stood his ground in a dusty blue uniform, steadying a heavy musket, facing men wearing dusty gray, aiming their own weapons his way.

So he fired, and damned if the jasper rolling down the slope from that clump of brush wasn't clad in dusty blue from head to toe.