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dug up

vb. (en-pastdig up)

Usage examples of "dug up".

Five Forfar witches, of which one was Helen Guthrie, in 1661 dug up the body of an unbaptized infant, which was buried in the churchyard near the south-east door of the church and took severall peices thereof, as the feet, hands, pairt of the head, and a pairt of the buttocks, and they made a py thereof, that they might eat of it, that by this means they might never make a confession (as they thought) of their witchcraft.

A council was held, and the Podesta with the Governor of the city dug up the grave, and found half the shroud absorbed through the mouth and throat into the stomach, and consumed.

At midday, when its rays fell straight upon him, his thirst became intense, and with feverish fingers he dug up an egg.

If he dug up anything interesting, he should report it to one of them.

The soldiers swirled around him, fighting and firing, and a bullet dug up a chunk of parking lot about four inches from his right boot.

Several benighted peasants, who, we are told, claim to be the last survivors of the tribe of the Cocknies, now began to gather around us, and to offer for barter certain objects which they had dug up at various times in the vicinity.

Several curiosities have been lately dug up near the wall, as well as at the ancient station of Habitancum.

From bones he dug up and other signs, he decided one camp was doing a lot better than the other.