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Duchenne may refer to:

  • Duchenne de Boulogne (1806–1875), a French physician who pioneered modern neurology
  • Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a severe recessive X-chromosome linked form of muscular dystrophy
  • Duchenne smile, a smile that involves certain facial muscles and is believed to indicate genuine happiness

Usage examples of "duchenne".

A very similar situation happened with muscular dystrophy, which was never seen until Duchenne described it in the 1850s.

Duchenne remarks (`Mécanisme de la Physionomie Humaine,'--8vo edit. 1862, p.

Duchenne informs me that when he gave to the monkey formerly mentioned some quite new article of food, it elevated its eyebrows a little, thus assuming an appearance of close attention.

Duchenne informs me that he concludes from his observations, now prolonged during many years, that this is one of the facial muscles which is least under the control of the will.