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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"gang member, young ruffian," a transliteration of the Russian word for "friend," introduced by English novelist Anthony Burgess in "A Clockwork Orange" (1962). The Russian word comes from Old Church Slavonic drugu "companion, friend, other" (source of Bohemian drug "companion," Serbo-Croatian drugi "other"), which belongs to a group of related Indo-European words (such as Lithuanian draugas "friend, traveling companion;" Gothic driugan "do military service," ga-drauhts "soldier;" Old Norse drott, Old English dryht, Old High German truht "multitude, people, army") apparently with an original sense of "companion."


n. A violent young gang member or a hooligan.


Droog may refer to:

  • Droog (Russian: друг /drug/) - Russian word which means friend.
  • Droog, a Nadsat slang term for "friend" in Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange
  • The Droogs, a United States rock group named after the Nadsat term
  • The Droogs (renamed to The Gandharvas), a Canadian rock group
  • Droogs (rocks), steep rocks in India
  • Droog (company), a Dutch-based design company
Droog (company)

Droog (droog is a Dutch word meaning "dry") is a conceptual Dutch design company situated in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Droog works with independent designers to design and realize products, projects, exhibitions and events. Droog has worked with amongst others Marcel Wanders, Hella Jongerius, Tejo Remy, Richard Hutten, Ed Annink, Jurgen Bey and Joris Laarman.

Usage examples of "droog".

By the time Crug took over from the exhausted Droog, the young animal was visibly winded.

Grod and Droog bound their spears together, Crug and Goov did the same, making two reinforced poles of the four spears.

As Crug reached for another spear, Brun, Grod, and Droog reached the canyon and raced to the blind end, leaping up on the rocks at either side of the huge, pregnant mammoth.

Droog and Crug found their way to the mountain meadow while she and the baby slept.

While the rabbit was cooking, she knapped herself a hand-axe the way she had learned by watching Droog, and with it chopped down a green branch to make a digging stick.

Droog had never had a girl around his fire before, and she was so young when he had mated Aga, it felt as though Ona had been born to his hearth.

Juffrouw Frantzen, de juffrouw van Truus en de Engelsche bonne liepen zenuwachtig in de kleedkamers, in de kasten zoekende naar schoone kousen en flanelletjes, en Truus bracht eenige ruwe handdoeken aan, om de kinderen droog te wrijven.

While a tovarich can be anyone with whom you come into contact even if you hate them, a droog is someone who has a special closeness and for whom you might possibly do something against the national interest.

Municipal Power Plant that we came across Billyboy and his five droogs.

The other was, of course, Dim, who had used to be my droog and also the enemy of stinking fatty goaty Billyboy, but was now a millicent with uniform and shlem and whip to keep order.

Droog looked at the core again, turned it, and struck off another small chip to form a platform, opposite to the end of the previous striking platform, then removed a second preformed flake.

Grod and Droog each grabbed one end of the pole on each side of the forelegs, while Crag went to the left and Goov to the right of the hind legs.

Droog had scoured the floodplain of the stream for the nodules of flint that had washed down the mountain, and dragged several back to the campsite.

Droog grunted, then he shook out the leather that was spread across his lap to remove the small chips and splinters of stone, placed the mammoth-foot anvil, hammerstone, bone hammer, and the bone and stone retouchers in the middle of it, and wrapped them up and tied them securely with a cord.

With the hammerstone, Droog broke off the chalky gray outer covering exposing the dark gray flint underneath.