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dog shit

alt. (context vulgar English) fecal matter produced by a dog n. (context vulgar English) fecal matter produced by a dog

dog shit

n. fecal droppings from a dog [syn: dog do, doggy do, dog turd]

Usage examples of "dog shit".

Then I spent about a half-hour cleaning up dog shit while my wife spent the same amount of time keeping our two-year-old son, Kevin, known to me as Fruit of My Loins, out of the shit.

Dick Artemus would crinkle his face as if he'd just stepped in dog shit, as if lobbying was the most loathsome job in the universe.

From a distance they looked proud, like Rhine castles above the trees, but closer up the land they stood in amounted to little more than a scrap of balding grass covered in dog shit.

If you looked like the fastidious type, the instructors found a nice big pile of dog shit for you to roll around in during morning PT, and allowed you to wear it on your fatigues for the rest of the day.

The law fucks me around, 'cause I'm dog shit, but I never hurt nobody.

His voice was hardly audible to him, but as he yelled that out at smiling Barris, the dreadful stench of dog shit grew.

He ran the other way, toward the alley, high-stepping over dried dog shit and a knee-high pile of what looked like cat litter.

He remembered the bright sunlight on the rooftop of the Demosthenes Hotel, the acrid smell of propane stoves and dog shit wafting on the breeze across downtown Samara.