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Dodia is a genus of woolly bear moths in the Erebidae family. The moths are found in subarctic tundra and taiga ecosystems. They belong to the subtribe Callimorphina of tribe Arctiini.

Like most of their closest relatives, they are mid-sized moths (a few cm/around 1 inch wingspan) which may be active all day, but avoid direct sunlight. Unlike many of the Callimorphina, they are inconspicuous and colored a somewhat translucent grey-brown and without bold markings. They have the typical slender body shape of other species of their subtribe, and they resemble, at a casual glance, certain larentiine geometer moths (Geometridae), e.g. the Operophterini, rather than the more typical Callimorphina. Like in the former, flightless females are known to occur in Dodia.