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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dizzard \Diz"zard\ (d[i^]z"z[~e]rd), n. [See Dizzy, and cf. Disard.] A blockhead. [Obs.] [Written also dizard, and disard.] -- Diz"zard*ly, adv. [Obs.]


n. 1 (context obsolete English) A jester or fool. 2 (context obsolete English) An idiot.


Dizzard (, meaning very steep) is a farmstead near St Gennys, Cornwall, England. On the coast is Dizzard Point.

Usage examples of "dizzard".

Lord, what a sarcophagus I am, what a zany, what a gaby, what a doodle, what a dizzard, what a hoddy-doddy, what a tom-noddy, what a dunderpate, what a jobber-nowl, what a gowk!

Oh well, I think, what can a few drinks with a bunch of convivial invert dizzards such as myself harm me?

Same old story—thousands of silly dizzards would give then-right arms to be on hand when the Graf's men get to you.

Not if your family ponies up the ransom& Don't be a dizzard, Dunninger.