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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Distinguishably \Dis*tin"guish*a*bly\, adv. So as to be distinguished.


adv. In a distinguishable way

Usage examples of "distinguishably".

The men who had ambushed me were dressed in distinguishably in site boots and labourers' tunics, but they were mainly fair or redheads, favouring long moustaches, whereas the new crowd were dark, swarthy and stubbly chinned.

Dimly she was aware of punctures of sky shining through the hay, distinguishably paler in the timber darkness before her, where whoever built this stable and loft had placed a ventilation lattice to air his store.

The finish was even faster and closer than the day before, but distinguishably Blue, Green with White stripes, and Yellow crossed the line in the first three places.