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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Disorganize \Dis*or"gan*ize\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Disorganized; p. pr. & vb. n. Disorganizing.] [Pref. dis- + organize: cf. F. d['e]sorganiser.] To destroy the organic structure or regular system of (a government, a society, a party, etc.); to break up (what is organized); to throw into utter disorder; to disarrange.

Lyford . . . attempted to disorganize the church.
--Eliot (1809).

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1793, from French désorganiser, from dés- "not" (see dis-) + organiser "organize" (see organize). This word and related forms were introduced in English in reference to the French Revolution. Related: Disorganized; disorganizing; disorganization.


vb. To make less organized; to reduce to chaos.


v. remove the organization from [syn: disorganise] [ant: organize, organize]


Usage examples of "disorganize".

First, it would test, using statistical procedures, whether there are significant behavioral differences at the crime scene between crimes committed by organized sexual murderers and those committed by disorganized sexual murderers.

The Corsairs had lit lanterns up and down the length of the galleot shortly before the collision, so that Spaniards running up from belowdecks, rubbing sleep out of their eyes, would be presented with the reassuring sight of oarsmen who were still safely in chains, and free crew members who were unarmed and disorganized.

But neither they nor a single commanding officer were there, only disorganized crowds of troops of various kinds.

He urged on his already weary horse to get quickly past these crowds, but the farther he went the more disorganized they were.

Palestine were so disturbed and disorganized that the Guardian could not send a message as you requested, to the Esperanto Congress in Munich in May.

He had a history of withdrawal and fragmentary delusions, and was diagnosed as schizophrenic of the disorganized or hebephrenic type.

A campaign down the Maeander against disorganized communities of Asian Greeks would stiffen the troops, endow them with confidence.

Back when the Mongols were only separate and disorganized tribes, they called each tribal chief a Khan.

These individuals will be labeled as the Organized Nonsocial and the Disorganized Asocial personalities.

More rifles snapped to drive the disorganized enemy further into the city.

Possibly she had anaesthetized neither member of the hypothetical brain-pair, but had merely cut, temporarily, their lines of intercommunication, just as one might temporarily disorganize the brain of a laboratory animal by anaesthetizing the pons Varolii linking the two cranial hemispheres.

Soon the Cats were entirely disorganized, chasing after this beggar or that as they disappeared into the crowded maze of backstreets without a trace.

So it was that, when the heavily-armed and mounted element of bushwhackers struck the head of the column, they found not a shattered, disorganized and demoralized party to slaughter and plunder at leisure, but rather a rock-hard line of disciplined troops.

A sloppy and disorganized thrill killer who left fingerprints and other clues at both crime scenes, and still nobody could nail his candyass to the wall.

There can be some overlap and crossover, just as there is with organized and disorganized criminal behavior, but these categories hold up well in providing insight into the type of personality who commits a given sexual crime.