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n. (context music English) Name of a raga in Carnatic music. It is the 29th melakarta rāga in the 72 melakarta rāga system of Carnatic music.


Dhīraśankarābharaṇaṃ, commonly known as Śankarābharaṇaṃ, is a rāga in Carnatic music. It is the 29th Melakarta rāga in the 72 Melakarta rāga system of Carnatic music. Since this raga has many Gamakās (ornamentations), it is glorified as "Sarva Gamaka Maṇika Rakti Rāgaṃ" in Telugu.

It is known as Bilawal in the Hindustani music system. The Western equivalent is the C major scale, Ionian mode. Hence this rāga is one of the most popular scales across the world, known with different names in different musical styles.

Its nature is mellifluous and smooth. This rāga offers a large scope for compositions. It is ideal for a melodious, but still laid back majestic presentation.