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Dewes is a surname, and may refer to:

  • Francis Dewes (1845-?) German-American brewer
  • Graham Dewes (born 1982), Fijian rugby union player
  • John Dewes (1926-2015), English cricketer

Usage examples of "dewes".

To-night the grave question of the proper number for a supper party was opened by Major Dewes of the 5th Gurkha Regiment.

Major Dewes and the three other officers got up and went about their business.

Camp chairs were placed for himself and Major Dewes and Captain Lynes.

Luffe took his seat in the middle, with Dewes upon his right and Lynes upon his left.

They were written for the eyes of one man, and Major Dewes had a feeling that his own, however respectfully, violated their sanctity.

He recovered conciousness that night, and early in the morning Dewes was roused from his sleep.

You must do what you can, Dewes, but very likely they won't pay any attention to you.

He will learn—” and Major Dewes stopped short, baffled by the look of hopelessness upon the Political Officer's face.

Indeed, Dewes would not have believed that Luffe could have spoken on any subject with so much wistfulness.

It was Colonel Dewes, and her thoughts went back to the day when first, with reluctant steps, he had walked along that path, carrying with him a battered silver watch and chain and a little black leather letter-case.

Linforth continued, as though Dewes had not interrupted, “it is not natural for a boy at his age to want to be alone, is it?

A smile of pride made her face very tender, and as she turned to Dewes he thought to himself that really her eyes were beautiful.

Colonel Dewes for his part was not reluctant to continue it, in spite of the mental wear and tear which it involved.

Here was one point in which the parallel between his case and that of Colonel Dewes was not complete.

He governed India and then he went on the School Board,” and Dewes thumped his fist upon the rail in front of him.