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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Detectable \De*tect"a*ble\ (-[.a]*b'l), Detectible \De*tect"i*ble\, a. Capable of being detected or found out; as, parties not detectable. ``Errors detectible at a glance.''


a. Able to be detected

Usage examples of "detectible".

Now, after hours of energy exchange, controlled power surges, and meticulous synchronizations, they were able to move at rates detectible to human measure, at rates that allowed them to depart the cave as absolutely, if (from an anthropomorphic perspective) not quite as efficiently, as Boomer Petway and Ellen Cherry Charles.

The alien aura is barely detectible, four lightyears galactic northnortheast.

The alien aura is barely detectible, four light-years galactic north-northeast.

The power used in propelling and guiding the vessel is a sort of super-electric energy whose exact nature I shall not elucidate, other than to say that it is associated with the basic force of gravity, and also with certain radiant properties of the interstellar ether not detectible by any instruments which you possess.

Everyone wanted to compare Einstein's ideas on gravity with those introduced two hundred and fifty years earlier by Isaac Newton, to see where there might be detectible differences.

No increase in temperature of the Pyramid is detectible, even when incident absorbed radiation is at the gigawatt level.