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n. (plural of detachment English)

Usage examples of "detachments".

Denisov told him of the designs the large detachments had on the transport, of the message Petya had brought, and his own replies to both generals.

In view of all this information, when the enemy has scattered his forces in large detachments, and with Napoleon and his Guards in Moscow, is it possible that the enemy's forces confronting you are so considerable as not to allow of your taking the offensive?

On the contrary, he is probably pursuing you with detachments, or at most with an army corps much weaker than the army entrusted to you.

The further the campaign progressed the more numerous these detachments became.

Now only the commanders of detachments with staffs, and moving according to rules at a distance from the French, still regarded many things as impossible.

The small bands that had started their activities long before and had already observed the French closely considered things possible which the commanders of the big detachments did not dare to contemplate.

It's too risky to attack them by oneself, and if we put it off till another day one of the big guerrilla detachments will snatch the prey from under our noses," thought Denisov, continually peering forward, hoping to see a messenger from Dolokhov.

His great armies passed over the land unquestioned, but had no sooner withdrawn, than his posts were assailed, his detachments cut off, his supplies arrested, and the Tories once more overawed by their fierce and fearless neighbors.

He soon contrived to lessen it, by cutting off their advanced parties, their scouts or foragers, and striking at their detachments in detail.

By these the enemy were harassed with unparalleled audacity -- their supplies and convoys cut off, their detachments captured or cut to pieces, their movements watched, and their whole influence so narrowed and restrained, as to be confined almost entirely to those places where they remained in strength.

Marion was not able to detach a force sufficient for their dispersion, and it would have been fatal to his safety to suffer them to descend upon him while his detachments were abroad.

On the 29th January, he sent out two small detachments of thirty men each, under Colonel and Major Postelle, to strike at the smaller British posts beyond the Santee.

His incursions, and those of his officers, were extended as far as the confluence of the Congaree and Wateree, and as low down as Monk's Corner, -- thus breaking up the line of communication between Charleston and the grand army, and intercepting detachments and supplies, sent from that place to the line of posts established through the country.

Other small detachments had thinned the little army of our partisan to such a degree that it was of small efficiency where it was.

Two large rivers intervening secured each from sudden attack, and their toils were confined to operating in small detachments, for foraging or convoy.