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vb. (en-archaic third-person singular of: depend)

Usage examples of "dependeth".

The removing whereof, dependeth on the knowledge of the publique Registers, publique Counsels, publique Ministers, and publique Seales.

And therefore the Interpretation of all Lawes dependeth on the Authority Soveraign.

For it is a thing that dependeth not on Nature, but on the scope of the Writer.

It is therefore manifest, that the Instruction of the people, dependeth wholly, on the right teaching of Youth in the Universities.

And consequently, that the Obligation a man may sometimes have, upon the Command of the Soveraign to execute any dangerous, or dishonourable Office, dependeth not on the Words of our Submission.

Insomuch as Plenty dependeth (next to Gods favour) meerly on the labour and industry of men.

So that the Right of Colonies (saving Honour, and League with their Metropolis,) dependeth wholly on their Licence, or Letters, by which their Soveraign authorised them to Plant.

By which it seemeth to me, (with submission neverthelesse both in this, and in all questions, whereof the determination dependeth on the Scriptures, to the interpretation of the Bible authorized by the Commonwealth, whose Subject I am,) that Adam if he had not sinned, had had an Eternall Life on Earth: and that Mortality entered upon himself, and his posterity, by his first Sin.

For in the condition of meer Nature, where there are no Matrimoniall lawes, it cannot be known who is the Father, unlesse it be declared by the Mother: and therefore the right of Dominion over the Child dependeth on her will, and is consequently hers.

And seeing the knowledge of all Law, dependeth on the knowledge of the Soveraign Power.

And for the study of Philosophy it hath no otherwise place, then as a handmaid to the Romane Religion: And since the Authority of Aristotle is onely current there, that study is not properly Philosophy, (the nature whereof dependeth not on Authors,) but Aristotelity.

But in that I am next to handle, which is the Nature and Rights of a Christian Commonwealth, whereof there dependeth much upon Supernaturall Revelations of the Will of God.

So that of Civill Honour, the Fountain is in the person of the Commonwealth, and dependeth on the Will of the Soveraigne.