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adv. (obsolete spelling of dearly English)

Usage examples of "dearely".

Thou hast often offended thy antients, and especially me that am thy mother, thou hast pierced mee with thy darts thou contemnest me as a widow, neither dost t thou regard thy valiant and invincible father, and to anger me more, thou art amorous of harlots and wenches : hot I will cause that thou shalt shortly repent thee, and that this marriage shal be dearely bought.

So it surely wroughtWith this faire Mayd, and in her mynde the seedsOf perfect loue did sow, that last forth broughtThe fruite of ioy and blisse, though long time dearely bought.

Whom thus recouer'd by wise Patience,And trew Repentance they to Vna brought:Who ioyous of his cured conscience,Him dearely kist, and fairely eke besoughtHimselfe to chearish, and consuming thoughtTo put away out of his carefull brest.

But for his meannesse and disparagement,My Sire, who me too dearely well did loue,Vnto my choise by no meanes would assent,But often did my folly fowle reproue.