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n. (plural of darkening English)

Usage examples of "darkenings".

These nerveless few, le Jeu's finest many of whom will go on to directeur future jeux (if not, often, to membership in Les Assassins or its stelliform offshoots) these nerveless and self-contained virtu osi never see their opponents' flinches or tics or the darkenings at corduroys' crotches, none of the normal signs of will faltering which lesser players scan for for the game's finest players frequently close their eyes entirely as they wait, trusting the railroad ties' vibration and the whistle's pitch, as well as intuition, and fate, and whatever numinous influences lie just beyond fate.

Of all the changes and darkenings in Nina, her laugh has been least affected.

And even in the war office such peoples tended to be dismissed, much as one might think little of rumblings in the distance, the darkenings of far skies, the occasional flash of lightning over distant mountains, such things, things far away.