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The Danish Assistance to Afghan Rehabilitation and Technical Training (DAARTT) was established in 2003 as a non-political, non-profit humanitarian organization, registered and approved by Government of Afghanistan on 14 January 2004.

The main objective of DAARTT is to support the need for reconstruction and development in Afghanistan, with special focus on the educational sector. The Afghan Ministry of Education works closely together with DAARTT for projects on school construction and rehabilitation. In addition, more focus is also required to improve resources such as teacher capacity building programmes and constructing teacher resource centres in schools.

DAARTT’s programme activities also target to secure equal access to schooling for children of both genders, to get the local community involved in the building activities and the subsequent maintenance, and to arouse interest among the local community so they will be actively involved and interested in improving the education condition at home.

Up till now, DAARTT has constructed dormitories and schools in different provinces of Afghanistan, such as Kapisa, Nangarhar, Khogyani and Samangan.