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n. Any of various related hemoproteins found in the cells of most organisms, which are an important part of cell respiration.


n. a class of hemoprotein whose principle biological function is as carriers of electrons


Cytochromes are iron containing hemeproteins central to which are heme groups that are primarily responsible for the generation of ATP via electron transport.

They are found either as monomeric proteins (e.g., cytochrome c) or as subunits of larger enzymatic complexes that catalyze redox reactions.

Usage examples of "cytochrome".

Like cytochrome c, for example, a protein found in many different animals and man.

Just because one nucleotide varies, does not determine how cytochrome c evolved in other species, long before man or monkey.

But what about your phylogenetic tree for cytochrome c and the vast nucleotide changes between the earlier species?

Even if billions of amino acids were able to form in the primordial waters, the chances of them becoming a complex strand of protein like cytochrome c are impossible.

It is now clear that many structural proteins, including hemoglobin and cytochrome c proteins, are identical in chimps and humans.

This time we isolated hemoglobin from the blood and small quantities of the cytochromes from our liver samples.