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n. (cx US English) The act of one who cusses, or uses bad language. vb. (present participle of cuss English)

Usage examples of "cussing".

They were a damn mob now for sure, men hollering and cussing, and young boys running up and down yapping like dogs, and bullets flying.

Ed got up mad and said they could all go to some place which he ripped out pretty savage, and then walked off aft cussing to himself, and they yelling and jeering at him, and roaring and laughing so you could hear them a mile.

Uncle Buck was lying on the ground cussing and yelling and dragging at his pistol, and then all three of us were dragging and fighting over it, but the front sight was caught in his suspenders, and the three of us fighting over it, and Uncle Buck panting and cussing, and the sound of the galloping mare dying away.

Ringo handed him his stick and he sat there cussing us while we soaked the strip in hot salt water, and he held the arm himself with his good hand, cussing a steady streak, and made us run the strip back and forth through the hole the bullet had made.

Then he almost stepped off into space, and told the mare he was sorry for cussing it as a balker once he saw why the trail ran the way it did.

A harried lark was cussing about it from a bobwire fence and the shadows were getting longer when he overtook a raggedy kid driving a dairy cow on foot, likely homeward bound, along the far side of that fence with soft words and a big stick.

Call didn't think the Captain was cussing his wife, not on a bald knob of the prairie, icy with sleet.

But parting was a sweet pain in the ass when you only had to do it once and he wasn't sure he could get it up again with a block and tackle if Sue had stopped cussing him.

They had Bull Croghan at the hoss trough and was trying to wash the blood off of him, and they was all yelling and cussing so loud they didn't see me at first.

Sam alternated between cussing and praying as he wove between cars, his dash light flashing.

But in the end Jays had spent three days bouncing across the Moon, wisecracking and whistling and cussing.

For a few seconds they was a hell of a scramble—men cussing and howling and bellering, and rifle-stocks cracking over heads, and the bresh crashing underfoot, and then before I could get into it, the Barlows broke every which-way and took out through the woods like jack-rabbits squalling Jedgment Day.

I pushed Cap'n Kidd hard, cussing my reins which had been notched by Bixby's bullet.

Whether to be polite or just avoid cussing in Kiowa, the outraged Aho Gordon wailed in English, "Hear me!

All I could see to shoot at was the puffs of smoke which marked the cracks they was shooting through, but from the cussing and yelling which begun to float up from the shack, I must have throwed some lead mighty close to them.