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Cuatro is Spanish (and other Romance languages) for the number four. It may also refer to:

Cuatro (TV channel)

Cuatro (stylized as cuatro, "Four") is a Spanish commercial television channel, on air since November 2005. Owned by Mediaset España Comunicación, it is broadcast on the TV frequencies licensed to the previous owner Sogecable in 1990 and previously used by them for the analogue transmission of its pay-per-view channel Canal+.

Cuatro (instrument)

The cuatro is any of several Latin American instruments of the guitar or lute families. Many cuatros are smaller than a guitar. Cuatro means four in Spanish, although current instruments often have more than four strings. The cuatro is found in Puerto Rico and in South America, and other territories of the West Indies. Certain variants are considered the national instrument of some countries (e.g., Venezuela). Its 15th century predecessor was the Portuguese Cavaquinho, which, like the cuatro had four strings. The cuatro is widely used in ensembles in Jamaica, Mexico, and Surinam to accompany singing and dancing. In Trinidad and Tobago it accompanies Parang singers. In Puerto Rico and Venezuela, the cuatro is an ensemble instrument for secular and religious music, and is played at parties and traditional gatherings.

Cuatro (Flotsam and Jetsam album)

Cuatro (meaning "four" in Spanish) is the fourth studio album by the American heavy metal band Flotsam and Jetsam, released on October 13, 1992 via MCA Records. The album was re-released on May 13, 2008 by Metal Mind Productions, remastered with five bonus tracks and limited to 2000 copies. The re-release also contains new packaging and liner notes from band members Eric A.K., Jason Ward and Ed Carlson.

Chris Cornell (of the grunge band Soundgarden) co-wrote "The Message" and is credited as Christopher Cornell.

Cuatro (Venezuela)

The cuatro of Venezuela has four single nylon strings, tuned (ad'f#'b). It is similar in shape and tuning to the ukulele, but their character and playing technique are vastly different. It is tuned in a similar fashion to the traditional D tuning of the ukulele, but the A and B are an octave lower. Consequently, the same fingering can be used to shape the chords, but it produces a different inversion of each chord. A cuatro player is called a cuatrista.

Usage examples of "cuatro".

Cuatro o cinco sujetos salieron de la turba y ocuparon la tarima del Aula Magna.

Ezequiel, de un ángel de cuatro caras que a un tiempo se dirige al Oriente y al Occidente, al Norte y al Sur.

Sin embargo, cuatro o cinco días pasaron antes que saliera a la calle.

Cuatro años después de que saliera a la luz este libro que nos ocupa, Borges firmó un manifiesto contra Perón y éste intentó humillarle nombrándole Inspector de alimentos en los mercados de Buenos Aires, cargo que Borges rechazó.

Además, encendieron cuatro velas en candeleros altos y pusieron flores alrededor.

A los cuatro años murió el Papa y nuestro cardenal fue elegido para el papado por todos los demás.

Alrededor de cien testigos prestaron fe de que el acusado era Tichborne —entre ellos, cuatro compañeros de armas del regimiento seis de dragones.

Pese a que el cuatro es la última cifra de que disponen, los árabes que trafican con ellos no los estafan, porque en el canje todo se divide por lotes de uno, de dos, de tres y de cuatro, que cada cual pone a su lado.

A la derecha del cimmerio se alzaba un templo semiderruido, cuyo pórtico, sostenido por cuatro macizas columnas de mármol, se mantenía intacto.

Aquella parte de la ceremonia fue la más fastidiosa, pues había cuatro mil guerreros y cuatrocientos de ellos eran jefes de un grado u otro.