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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Cruelness \Cru"el*ness\, n. Cruelty. [Obs.]


n. The state of being cruel; cruelty


n. the quality of being cruel and causing tension or annoyance [syn: cruelty, harshness]

Usage examples of "cruelness".

In a way, he hoped his son had some of that cruelness in him, because if he did not he would not survive in the world in which he lived.

When Isoud heard her say so she was passing sore abashed, for passing well she loved Tramtrist, and full well she knew the cruelness of her mother the queen.

She glanced at him and was surprised to find him smiling still, but this time that coldness was there, the glint of cruelness that somehow was constantly lurking beneath his surface manner.

The tales are so savage, yet I don't see the cruelness in his eyes that I see in the MacLeiths.