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n. (alternative form of cross-tie English)


n. one of the cross braces that support the rails on a railway track; "the British call a railroad tie a sleeper" [syn: tie, railroad tie, sleeper]

Usage examples of "crosstie".

They watched the robot brace its silver arms on the railway crosstie and push.

The poor brute was still tethered to a crosstie where, it was assumed, someone had tied it after the stablemen had gone to sleep.

I looked more closely at where the roads crossed and saw vestiges of an old railroad like the one that had run along the river in Miamisburg: worn rails, and a crumbled crosstie or two.

The crosstie the boy had stepped on had given way almost entirely and flopped downward lazily, swinging easily on a disintegrating rivet, like a shutter on a haunted window.

Married at sweet sixteen, Sadie said, but her husband got hung at Folkston, Georgia, so she took work hauling limestone and cutting crossties for the railroad.

For there were creet crossties on which her doeskin-clad feet bruised themselves, and ever and again there were rocks and boulders lying unsuspectedly in the road.

I came the acknowledgement and almost immediately the puffing of the loco quickened and the clatter of the crossties changed its rhythm.

Then feeling for the crossties of the rails with each foot he started forward.

They nailed the crossties over the trusses and then roped everything into a compact mass.

I was richer by a few copper coins and they allowed me closer to the crossties for my favors.

The stretched-out crew of graders and track-layers went north and east, and though they took their rails and crossties with them they left a land permanently tainted by their passage: a litter of metal parts, scars of railroad.

Land Rover was rattling along the crossties between the rusty rails, its tires a hair from scraping the rails on either side.

He and Rory were grooming Czpaka in the crossties closest to the office just in case they might hear something.

Kodiak on the rear, took him out of the crossties, and led him back to his stall.

He felt every crosstie, every rail joint, that jounced the train as it slowly chugged along.