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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Cowardize \Cow"ard*ize\ (-?z), v. t. To render cowardly. [Obs.]

God . . . cowardizeth . . . insolent spirits.
--Bp. Hall.


n. (obsolete form of cowardice English) vb. (context transitive English) To render (someone or something) cowardly, to cause to become a coward.

Usage examples of "cowardize".

For all he taught the tender ymp, was butTo banish cowardize and bastard feare.

At which his vaine excuse they all gan smile,As scorning his vnmanly cowardize:And Florimell him fowly gan reuile,That for her sake refus'd to enterprizeThe battell, offred in so knightly wize.

And lastly in approuance of thy wrong,To shew such faintnesse and foule cowardize,Is greatest shame: for oft it falles, that strongAnd valiant knights doe rashly enterprize,Either for fame, or else for exercize,A wrongfull quarrell to maintaine by fight.

In short I do humbly but freely affirm it, there is not that Man living in this World who has been more desirous than the poor Man I to shelter my Neighbours from the Inconveniencies of Spectral Outcries, yea I am very jealous I have done so much that way as to Sin in what I have done, such have been the Cowardize and Fearfulness whereunto my regard unto the dissatisfactions of other People has precipitated me.