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coup de theatre

n. (alternative spelling of coup de théâtre English)

coup de théâtre

n. 1 A sudden or unexpected event in a play, pulled off by the author, the director, or even an actor. 2 A theatrical trick or gesture, something staged for dramatic effect.

coup de theatre
  1. n. a dramatic surprise

  2. a sensational bit of stagecraft

  3. a highly successful theatrical production

Coup de Theatre (album)

Coup de Theatre is the second studio album by American hip hop group Haiku D'Etat. It was released in 2004.

Coup de Theatre

Coup de Theatre may refer to:

  • Coup de Theatre (album), a hip-hop album
  • coup de théâtre, a French term, meaning a sudden dramatic turn of events.

Usage examples of "coup de theatre".

The cardinal as well as the monsignor could take pleasure in executing a coup de theatre.

Dick's raising of this question in the current polarized climate of debate was a coup de theatre but scarcely the last word on the subject.

If we adhered to the usual plans of historical novel writers, we should, in this instance, leave Smallbones to what must appear to have been his inevitable fate, and then bring him on the stage again with a coup de theatre, when least expected by the reader.

But for effect - to produce a striking coup de theatre - we could not have come more opportunely.

But the real coup de theatre was when Rannaldini, Rachel and Marigold, singing the most ravishing three-part arrangement of 'We Three Kings', cantered in on their splendid bejewelled horses.