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vb. (en-past of: counterattack)

Usage examples of "counterattacked".

On the second day of the war, the first day's objectives had been met in only one army's zone, and that one was being heavily counterattacked twenty kilometers east of Hamburg.

A scheduled attack never began, and the fucking Germans counterattacked while our men were waiting for orders!

They must be, else they would have counterattacked in strength already.

The strike team counterattacked in a flurry of kicks and blows, taking full advantage of the battle meld to keep the enemy too busy dodging and blocking to actually draw a weapon.

He counterattacked with sensor-targeted blaster bolts and electrorays, and the enemy fire withered.

When the Iranians counterattacked in 1982, they opened a front in Kurdistan.

First, that morning they had counterattacked the Marines with one of their best regular army mechanized divisions, only to have it wiped out in a few hours of fighting, having done virtually no damage to the Marines.

At R'as al-Khafji, Manaqish, and Mount Pastrik (and on another occasion during the Gulf War, when the Fifth Mechanized Division counterattacked the U.

The Druid Guard counterattacked once more, cutting into the monsters, beating them back down the stairway, leaving half their number sprawled lifeless on the blood-slicked steps.

The Druid Guard counterattacked once more, cut ting into the monsters, beating them back down the stairway, leaving half their number sprawled lifeless on the blood-slicked steps.