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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Coteau \Co`teau"\, n.; pl. Coteaux. [F., a hill.] [Canada & U. S.]

  1. A hilly upland including the divide between two valleys; a divide.

  2. The side of a valley.


n. 1 (cx US Canada English) A hilly upland including the divide between two valleys. 2 (cx US Canada English) The side of a valley.


Usage examples of "coteau".

The old families of businessmen and shipowners were of the opinion that the building should be constructed on the summit of the Coteau Vert where they lived, "so that Saint Cecile could watch over Bouville as the Sacre‑Coeur‑de‑Jesus over Paris.

The bishop suggested a compromise: the church was built halfway between the Coteau Vert and the Boulevard Maritime, on the Place de la Halle‑aux‑Morues which was baptised Place Sainte‑Cecile‑de‑la‑Mer.

He lives on the summit of the Coteau Vert, in a great brick house whose windows are always wide open.

You know people from the Coteau Vert by some kind of shabby, sunken look.

This fat gentleman holding a child by the handùI'd swear he comes from the Coteau: his face is all grey and his tie knotted like a string.

The family turns right on the Rue de l'Aumonier‑Hilaire which climbs up the Coteau Vert.

You know, the little street that goes up the Coteau Vert just before you get to Jouxtebouville.

Yet I know I am: in a moment I shall find myself at the bottom of the Coteau Vert, if I raise my head, see in the distance the lighting windows of these houses which are so close now.

You greet with silent satisfaction the level river, stretching between the Long Sault and the Coteau, and you admire the delightful tranquillity of that beautiful Lake St.

Then the boat shudders into the Coteau Rapids, and down through the Cedars and Cascades.