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coral islands

n. (coral island English)

Usage examples of "coral islands".

Darwin's theory of coral islands, and suppose a rise of the sea, or the subsidence of some former continental area, to have driven into the tops of the mountains multitudes of refugees.

These are coral islands, slowly raised, but continuous, created by the daily work of polypi.

It was primitive and yet, glimpsing the line of coral islands ringing the horizon, conscious of their remoteness, their isolation in the enormous wastes of the Indian Ocean, everything about me in the boat seemed essentially right, a part of man's creative genius, his ability to survive.

And now we're going off across the world, and we'll see the coral islands, and Hawaii, and Canada, and the States.

The roll of the Pacific from east to west was broken by the labyrinth of low coral islands to the east of us, -- the vast cluster of half-drowned lands called by the natives Paumotu, -- and the Bounty sailed a tranquil sea.

As with many others, the sun-drenched coral islands of the Pacific had formed a staple part of my earlier reading diet, but when I incautiously sat down to take the weight off my feet and stock of the situation my youthful enthusiasms vanished pretty rapidly.

That side of the world is covered with tens of thousands of coral islands.

Halfway around the planet were myriads of little round coral islands, each with a little peak at the center.

Before leaving Australia, he was determined to find out how coral islands came into being.

Four thousand paces away, opposite, rose the saw-toothed remnants of coral islands, over which roared the Whirlwind.

It's only the poor bloody frozen Europeans that dream of coral islands.

Its only the poor bloody frozen Europeans that dream of coral islands.

Existence, as well as the scenery, being less inviting on the purely coral islands, population on them is scarcer and, more frequently than romantic tales have indicated, non-existent.