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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Convincingly \Con*vin"cing*ly\, adv. in a convincing manner; in a manner to compel assent.


adv. In a convincing manner; with conviction.


adv. in a convincing manner; "he argued convincingly" [ant: unconvincingly]

Usage examples of "convincingly".

Then, too, what of the photographs which Akeley said he was about to send, and which the old people had found so convincingly terrible?

But, growing up with the geology of Australia constantly in his mind, he had developed a sort of sixth sense that I respected, and after we had climbed to the top, so that we had a clear view of the whole hill, he argued very convincingly that this was an old leach area, the Permian sediments worn down by the winds and the extremes of temperature over millions of years to expose the trapped ore in the Archaean rock beneath.

He said the last words slowly, for, whatever else he was, he was a loyal English sailor, and he wished the Duc de Bercy to know it, the more convincingly the better for the part he was going to play in this duchy, if all things favoured.

Artisan spoke convincingly about the monstrous ways in which the Giants treated ordinary humanity whenever their paths crossed those of ordinary people.

But during the last couple of decades theoretical progress spearheaded by the late Irish physicist John Bell and the experimental results of Alain Aspect and his collaborators have shown convincingly that Einstein was wrong.

That he was a man of extraordinary endowments and deep spiritual nature was not questioned, nor that be was a most acute reasoner, who could unfold a proposition into its consequences as patiently, as convincingly, as a palaeontologist extorts its confession from a fossil fragment.

Roger could tell the truth so much more convincingly and circumstantially than he could tell a lie, and it would be so easy to substantiate.

The more convincingly she argues that the primeval mud-hens and she mackerel had to be anesthetized with spectacular decorations in order to "endure the caresses" of their beaux, the more she supports the thesis that men have to be decoyed and bamboozled into love today.

However, they couldn’t convincingly explain how all those clamshells got up there.

Leaning against a bulkhead in the dining-saloon, a large whisky in his hand and the water pooling from his soaking clothes on to the corticene at his feet, he told it all quickly, concisely and convincingly.

The following Wednesday night, Commissioner Gelder and his co-conspiring spouse sat down for dinner with Walter Dubb and a man named George Pannini, whom Dubb had introduced convincingly as the vice president of his bus-customizing division.

Lord Middlethorpe had been forced to watch his friend playing the lover most convincingly with Madame Bellaire, and now doubts began to eat at him.

Gently, almost convincingly, she told Philip that her 'condition' could not be treated in an emergency room and that she was grateful for his concern.

Because all the time and under no matter what circumstances he had grown used to behaving exactly as someone in his position was expected to, he had obviously to limit his responses to those that a genuinely loyal and committed executive of Energetics General might convincingly display when faced by a crisis of the current magnitude.

You need men with no police records to play the kidnappers, in case any eyewitnesses get called in to look at mugshots, but they've got to be real hard boys who can act the parts convincingly.