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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ He will need about a week to convalesce after his hospital stay.
▪ Jason is now convalescing at home after a major operation.
▪ They travelled to Bermuda for six weeks so that David could convalesce in the sun.
▪ Afternoons, I convalesce, play patience, match-make a court of Siamese twins.
▪ But Luke's room was hardly a place to convalesce.
▪ He also fell so ill that he was sent to the family's country house to convalesce.
▪ His health broke down under the strain of overwork, and he returned to Ortona in 1869 to convalesce.
▪ Imagine the comical scene when Grant goes to visit Rod who is convalescing at home.
▪ Korngold wrote the Symphonic Serenade while convalescing from a heart attack in 1950.
▪ Schoolteachers used their own time to help their ill students keep up while convalescing.
▪ These two physical symptoms are the most important causes of disability and failure to convalesce.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Convalesce \Con`va*lesce"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Convalesced; p. pr. & vb. n. Convalescing.] [L. convalscere; con- + valescere to grow strong, v. incho. of valere to be strong. See Vallant.] To recover health and strength gradually, after sickness or weakness; as, a patient begins to convalesce.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 15c., from Latin convalescere "thrive, regain health," from com-, intensive prefix (see com-), + valescere "to begin to grow strong," inchoative of valere "to be strong" (see valiant). Only in Caxton and Scottish writers until 19c. Related: Convalesced; convalescing.


vb. To recover health and strength gradually after sickness or weakness


v. get over an illness or shock; "The patient is recuperating" [syn: recuperate, recover] [ant: devolve]

Usage examples of "convalesce".

Richius convalesced, Patwin set upon gathering the things they would need for their journey.

Budge, in strangely genial mood, was fussily preparing more delectable invalid dishes than a dozen convalescing Susies or well Robins could possibly eat.

In January of 1612, while still convalescing at the Villa delle Selve outside Florence, Galileo heard much about sunspots from a German gentleman and amateur scientist named Marcus Welser.

For nine weeks Sam had convalesced with her grandmother in her kind, irritating world.

Garric knew from the visits he'd gotten as he convalesced that there were arguments over how the royal army should be reorganized.

There has been no recurrence of such trouble as he has convalesced and I would not wish to see it visited upon him again.

The first day, I would have bought a hundred and fifty of these clocks if I had the money--and I did buy three-- but on the third day the disease had run its course, I had convalesced, and was in the market once more--trying to sell.

While the others were convalescing from the fever, we could administer nutritional assists.

Anyone with training in biology, chemistry, or laboratory procedures of any kind — sometimes even those with nimble fingers who could be put to work preparing slides, or those convalescing from Threadfall injuries who could watch monitors — were drafted into service.

At least until she was convalescing, Paul would not allow the facts to be common knowledge.

The only problem with convalescing here in Southern, however, was her proximity.

He had found a party of convalescing fighters willing and able to go hunting and fishing in exchange for those tokens, and now there was a prime raebuck waiting for Skan, a tub full of moon-trout for Zhaneel, and, most precious of all, a covey of fat young quail as appetizers before the main course.

All hertasi of convalescing personnel are to be reassigned to more important tasks, according to the judgment of the ranking human officer.

Well, as proof that the so-observant Skandranon is right, this is the latest of Shaiknams ordersthat hertasi of convalescing personnel are to be immediately reassigned to tasks of more immediate importance.

He was supposed to be convalescing for the next few months, not pushing the butts of wandering sheep.