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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Concuss \Con*cuss"\, v. t. [L. concussus, p. p. of concutere. See Concussion.]

  1. To shake or agitate. ``Concussed with uncertainty.''

  2. (Law) To force (a person) to do something, or give up something, by intimidation; to coerce.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1590s, "to shake violently," from Latin concuss-, past participle stem of concutere "to dash together, shake violently" (see concussion). Meaning "to give a concussion to the brain" is from 1680s. Related: Concussed; concussing; concussive.


vb. 1 (context transitive English) To injure the brain of, usually temporarily, by violent impact. 2 (context legal English) To force to do something, or give up something, by intimidation; to coerce.

  1. v. shake violently

  2. injure the brain; sustain a concussion

Usage examples of "concuss".

Hell, she was even thinking in slow motion…a cold wave of nausea and fear swept through her gut as she realized that the blow to her head had affected her more than she had thought, and that she was now lying on the floor of the tunnel, mildly concussed but enough to slow her actions to a possibly fatal degree.

A large lump of damp soil hit the ground where he had lain but a moment before, the damp cast spreading as it splattered into the dry topsoil, making an impression where his head would have been and raising enough dust to suggest that it would at least have concussed him.

He was definitely concussed, but Honey hadn't thought it was severe, or that he was in a coma.

She was also concussed, and though the headache had lessened and she was feeling better now, she wasn't certain how well she could function if the situation called for fast movement.

Only the fact that she was concussed had kept him from taking her, and even then, it had been a near thing.

If a man got soaked at the edge of winter, a man already possibly concussed, to judge by the hellish headache he carried behind his eyes, then that man if he wasn’t a total fool didn’t travel out of shelter till fire or sun had dried his clothes.

For a moment nothing happened, and then with a thump that concussed the air against their eardrums, the gasoline ignited.

I know all about it — I made inquiries: two weeks in bed after discharge, so that the cut can heal up properly and your concussed brain can settle back into place, and you haven't even been lying down for ten days yet.

He arose without haste, stepped to the slow-motion figure “Bloo-hwoo-fwaa-mawwing” behind the desk, took out a heavy sap, and scientifically smote Orel across the brow, concussing the frontal lobes and stunning the jaunte center.

One rescued girl had a broken leg, and a boy was concussed, his face badly contused, and a long wound giving his hair a new parting.

One rescued girl had a broken leg and the boy was concussed, his face badly contused and a long wound giving his hair a new parting.

The ref shows him four fingers and asks him how many and Thomas must have said there were four, to prove he wasn't concussed.

Peter, I think maybe I took a knock on the head last night and it's left me concussed.

He was seriously concussed, and since good medical usage militates against interfering with the unconsciousness ‘.