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a. Resembling a comb or some aspect of one.

Usage examples of "comblike".

Then, again, if you fix your eye upon this strange, crested, comblike incrustation on the top of the mass--this green, barnacled thing, which the Greenlanders call the "crown," and the Southern fishers the "bonnet" of the Right Whale.

She would show the glittering arch of her upper third, occasionally, and scrape it along behind the comblike row.

Some were great wedges, revealing hexag onal, comblike rooms the size of asteroids.

Zane got out and followed his arrow through the comblike serrations of the building complex.

They had comblike appendages just behind their foreclaws, and what looked like an extra fixture behind the one that approximated the function of the human thumb.

They had comblike appendages just behindtheir foreclaws, and what looked like an extra fixturebehind the one that approximated the function of thehuman thumb.

There were comblike bones that explained what had happened to the ship's cat.

All he had to do was pick his way carefully along the top of that comblike ridge until it played out at Mill Creek Road.