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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Collectedly \Col*lect"ed*ly\, adv. Composedly; coolly.


adv. In a collected manner; calmly.


adv. in a self-collected or self-possessed manner; "he announced the death of his father collectedly" [syn: composedly]

Usage examples of "collectedly".

Hughes had been too stunned to put one word collectedly after another, and if he had said anything at all it would have been unprintable.

Cotopaxi and I went round circumspectly, collectedly, setting ourselves right at every fence, jumping them all cleanly, enjoying the precision and wasting no time.

This is what I said -- the purport of it -- but, as you may imagine, not spoken so collectedly or methodically as I have repeated it to you.

Isabella collectedly arrived with her clutched tickets and I glanced at the flickering light of the Tote board to see Breezy Palm’s odds.

And THIS is what I wished to have" (laying his hand on my shoulder): "this young girl, who stands so grave and quiet at the mouth of hell, looking collectedly at the gambols of a demon, I wanted her just as a change after that fierce ragout.

Isabella collectedly arrived with her clutched tickets and I glanced at the flickering light of the Tote board to see Breezy Palm’.