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coffee beans

n. (coffee bean English)

Usage examples of "coffee beans".

Billy Ingram spent hours testing and comparing different coffee beans.

Much too late, as he faded out of sight around the corner, she recalled her coffee beans forlornly.

He ground a handful of dark, oily coffee beans, measured out a third of a cup of grounds, and threw them into the botton of a porcelain-coated coffee pot which he filled three-fourths to the top with cold water.

The front seat was already full of food for the trip- Fritos, Cheez Doodles, salt herring and coffee beans and a box of Luden's.

Gamal ground coffee beans and brewed coffee with the grounds in it.

I ground coffee beans, ran water, and turned up the radio news, which warned of clouds and wind and possibly snow in the mountains Halloween night.