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alt. (en-third-person singular of: coexist) vb. (en-third-person singular of: coexist)

Usage examples of "coexists".

Ryszard Kapuscinski writes in Shah of Shahs, “Iranian cities became places where “the unpredictable cruel Stone Age coexists with the calculating, cool age of electronics.

Differing from Professor Price about the essence of religion, I naturally cannot, in a sense, discuss whether the essence as he defines it coexists with accretions of dogma and mythology.

But I freely admit that the essence as I define it always coexists with other things.

Psycho-physical parallelism is the theory that mental and physical events each have causes in their own sphere, but run on side by side owing to the fact that every state of the brain coexists with a definite state of the mind, and vice versa.

There is sort of a spirit world that coexists with the world of empirical observation, and you have to get in touch with that world through the detective’s equivalent of the séance.