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cloud bank

alt. A wall of clouds, rising above horizon or observed from a distance, but not overhead. n. A wall of clouds, rising above horizon or observed from a distance, but not overhead.

cloud bank

n. a layer of clouds seen from a distance

Usage examples of "cloud bank".

The cloud bank had blown away and the blue sky was clear for as far as one could see.

A vast cloud bank was racing north, fast enough that I could see it eating the stars.

Within seconds he was into the haven of the cloud bank with his guns cold and unfired, and a few shrapnel tears in the belly and the underwings.

A fleeting ray of the last sunlight broke through the cloud bank and lit the tower of the fort.

When they stopped moving, the mist rose around them, so that their legs vanished and they seemed to be standing hip-deep in a cloud bank.

They were out of the other end of the cloud bank fairly quickly, however.

Now it could be observed that the black mass formed one immensely long cloud bank that rested against the towering ring of mountains, as if it intended to block the way to this region.

There was a cloud bank on the horizon to the east, so it was some while before the awaited and prayed-for stars climbed above it into visibility.

Above this cloud bank, the tall masts and sails of two great ships floated as though suspended above the waters.

In the west a great angry cloud bank loomed, and at its base I could see the rapier flickering of the lightning that was riding with the storm.

A lower cloud bank, calmer and more stable, began moving south and west.