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clock in

vb. 1 To begin working time, especially by punch in. 2 (context idiomatic English) To be measured at.

clock in

v. register one's arrival at work [syn: punch in, clock on] [ant: clock out, clock out]

Usage examples of "clock in".

When the clock in the tower struck nine and in place of the pealing of the bell there was the hiss of a sewing machine next door, another sign made Judge Arcadio shudder: the silence in the streets.

Last Friday at eight o'clock in the evening, Monsieur Fogg came home from his club, and three-quarters of an hour afterwards we were off.

At eight o'clock in the evening he was putting his foot in the stirrup, when M.

The house was s6 quiet that they could still hear the ticking of the big clock in the dining room.

The loud banging at three o'clock in the morning woke the other tenants.

My casual attitude towards the VCR clock in particular drove my father crazy: after a power outage or an accidental unplugging, it might flash 12:00:00 for days before I bothered to reset it.

At twelve-thirty sharp he wrapped up the alarm-clock in ordinary brown paper, tucked it under his arm, and left his shop.

I was still awake when the cuckoo clock in the parlor below me sang two o'clock.

All of this was fine, typical top-echelon banker's attire for a Monday morning (and who but a top-echelon banker could come in at ten o'clock in the first place?

His watch read 6:38 but it was two hours faster than the clock in the basement.

He went on to assert that when he returned at six o'clock in the afternoon he found the office door locked, and I—.