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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Cloak \Cloak\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Cloaked; p. pr. & vb. n. Cloaking.] To cover with, or as with, a cloak; hence, to hide or conceal.

Now glooming sadly, so to cloak her matter.

Syn: See Palliate.

  1. 1 Wearing a cloak. 2 covered, hidden, disguised. v

  2. (en-past of: cloak)

  1. adj. having its true character concealed with the intent of misleading; "hidden agenda"; "masked threat" [syn: disguised, masked]

  2. covered with or as if with clothes or a wrap or cloak; "leaf-clothed trees"; "fog-cloaked meadows"; "a beam draped with cobwebs"; "cloud-wrapped peaks" [syn: clothed, draped, mantled, wrapped]

Usage examples of "cloaked".

Not more than twenty spans back down the road a cloaked figure on horseback followed them, horse and rider alike black, dull and ungleaming.

The haulers, three to a side, grabbed hold of the ropes at the front of the ferry and laboriously began walking toward the back, muttering uneasily as they edged out onto the gray cloaked river.

It will tell the Myrddraal that this side of the river is clear, but the river itself is cloaked for miles in both directions.

For a while Rand sat in the common room, but he found himself eyeing every patron who came in, every stranger who could be anyoneor anythingespecially in the moment when he was first silhouetted as a cloaked black shape in the doorway.

His step hesitated as two heavily cloaked women appeared at a crossing well ahead, but they moved on without glancing his way, and he breathed more easily.

A neat stone fire-ring surrounded each of the cookfires, where clusters of men stood cloaked and hooded against the cold, waiting for their breakfast.

Aes Sedai vanish among the wagons and tents than three more cloaked shapes appeared, hurrying after them.

Likely that was because when you saw them taking a stroll, all neatly cloaked and hidden as they were, a minute later Bethamin and Renna and Seta appeared trailing after them.

Hard-faced fellows in white-painted breastplates and conical helmets with what looked like horsetails for crests, they ran impassive eyes over the cloaked women, lingering suspiciously a moment on Mat for some reason, and then returned to leaning on their halberds and staring blankly at the road.

When an elven patrol ship gave chase, the cloaked bionoid shrike ships would close in and drop either bionoid warriors or the tertiary marauders to wipe out the elves.

Shadows filled the distant corners, obscured the ceiling, and cloaked the tidy carrels and the latched cabinets set against the walls.

Clacking mandibles and soft, fleshy rips faded and welcome darkness cloaked the terrified farmer.

At the near end, the curtain abruptly bulged then parted as a minotaur, cloaked in flame, crashed through the blazing wall and howled in piteous agony as it plummeted into the sea below.

There was a semblance of order, with decks, a sterncastle, and a single small mast, but the whole thing was cloaked in jury-rigged scaffolding that obscured details.

Her knees bent as if of their own volition, and in this way she knelt behind a pair of clerics robed in white and cloaked with the scarlet, floor-length capes that in the world below distinguished presbyters in the service of the skopos.