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class secretary

n. (context US English) A person in a school's student council who takes minutes at meetings etc.

Class Secretary

The job of Class Secretary is a position in school student councils, usually associated with writing down the minutes of council meetings.

Usage examples of "class secretary".

First-class secretary, intelligent, good-tempered, understands my ways, doesn't turn a hair if I fly off the handle, couldn't care less if I insult her.

Holding a note tablet, she looked like a high-class secretary - one keeping minutes for an empress who was plotting people's downfalls.

Many high school graduating classes contain one person for whom the previous four years represent an idyllic period never to be equaled in adult life, and those persons often take on the role of class secretary.

Chester Finnegan was the self-appointed Class Secretary for Life of Tim's year at Holy Sepulchre, a man generally to be avoided, but not now.

There was a clever call for a reunion signed by the Class Secretary, Laura Drew Westerman.