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cigar lighter

n. a lighter for cigars or cigarettes [syn: cigarette lighter, pocket lighter]

Cigar lighter

Cigar lighter may refer to:

  • Cigarette lighter receptacle or Cigar lighter receptacle, initially designed to power an electrically heated cigarette lighter and became a de facto standard 12 VDC connector to supply electrical power for portable accessories used in or near an automobile
  • Lighter, a portable device used to create a flame

Usage examples of "cigar lighter".

His companion, with equal ritual, brought forth a jeweled cigar lighter and lit his friend's cigar.

They took Billy's timepiece, his cigar lighter and small tri-di cube of a couple screwing that he kept as a good luck charm.

One wire ran to the coil from the cigar lighter on the convertible's dashboard.

I can't even see a mechanical cigar lighter without thinking of filling one with nitroglycerine for somebody you don't like.

Jan shouted, rooting in the glove compartment for a roadmap, jamming in the cigar lighter at the same time.

Charlie pushed the bear away from the drain as he pulled the cigar lighter from his pocket.

Dropping everything but the canister, which lit much like a common cigar lighter, he silently made his way around through the trees, giving the ambusher a wide berth.